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Leadership: Leadership

















Pastor Stanfield being a man of faith, conviction and great love for Christ Jesus, for twenty-six years loved, nurtured, guided, instructed and prayed for those of Christ’s Household of Faith Missionary Baptist Church, affectionately known as CHOF.  Pastor Stanfield planted many seeds of the word of God during his life.




The first meeting was held at the home of Rev. Fred and Sis. Rose Stanfield on March 20, 1986 in Carson. Sixteen (16) individuals were in attendance:


After initial discussions, it was decided that the group would support the resignation of Rev. Stanfield from Mount Sinai Baptist Church located in San Pedro, CA. where he served as pastor for approximately 12 years. After further discussion by the group, it was decided that a new church be planted in the city of Carson. Pastor Stanfield recommended that the church name be based on the scripture passage found in Galatians 6:10 which reads:  


"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." 


After careful consideration and prayer the group decided to name the church Christ’s Household of Faith Missionary Baptist Church and Frederick Stanfield was confirmed as pastor.


The charter members confirmed that this newly formed church would always be a Christ centered church committed to the continual development of God's believers through study and worship of His word.


The first service was held on Resurrection Sunday March 30, 1986 at the Carson Community Center. Sunday School and Morning Service were spirit filled services and well attended.  


The church has moved to various physical locations during the 34 year history; it has never strayed from its spiritual foundation and original vision. 


From the very start of our beginning, Pastor Stanfield instituted weekly Bible Study, prayer sessions and evangelism. The immediate focus was concentrated on teaching the word of God.


Several ministers under the leadership of Pastor Stanfield were called to serve as pastors in various locations: Rev. Robert Conard,  Rev. Lee Hodges, Rev. Karl Knott, Rev. Ronald Stanfield. Additionally, under the leadership of Pastor Stanfield several ministers were Licensed:  Rev. Donald Graves, Rev. JaCarri Johnson and Rev. Cornell Greer.


In late 2011, Pastor Stanfield after fasting and prayer introduced the name of Rev. Robert Davis to the brotherhood to serve as the next pastor of CHOF. After having the opportunity to meet Rev. Davis and his family, the church voted graciously to approve the recommendation of Pastor Stanfield.  The church elected Rev. Robert Davis as Pastor of Christ’s Household of Faith in February of 2012. Afterwards, four deacons were ordained on September 23, 2012 under the leadership of Pastor Davis with important input and recommendations received from Pastor Stanfield. 


Finally, the church is thankful to God that we have been able to host the annual Vacation Bible School for the last seven years. The members of Christ's Household of Faith not only celebrate our church past, but we thank God for the present and future days ahead. We come this Far by Faith continuing to believe and lean on the Lord.  



Doctrinal Statement


The Scriptures

We believe in the verbal, plenary, infallibility and Inspired word of God in its original autographs. And that the Scriptures was written by men divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and is God's revelation to mankind.



There is one and only one living and true God. The eternal God in His nature is triune, revealed to us in the Scriptures as Father, Son and Holy Spirit: one in nature, triune in distinct eternal personhood. 


God the Father

The Eternal Father who dwells within the holy trinity as the First person of the God-head who is also  the author of salvation. He sent forth His Son to redeem mankind who were held under the bondage of sin and the Law.


God the Son

The  Eternal Son of God is the Second person of the God-head. In His incarnation as Jesus the Christ, was conceived of the Holy Spirit and through the offer of Himself on the cross, became the propitiation for the sins of the world, and by His death, resurrection and ascension is LORD. Becoming the Redeemer and Savior for all who put their trust in Him.


God the Holy Spirit

The Eternal Holy Spirit is the Third person of the GOD-head. Who acts within the God-head as the agent to perform its will: in bringing forth creation,; in inspiring Scriptures; in convicting the world of sin; in regenerating, indwelling and baptizing believers into the body of Christ.



Salvation involves deliverance from the wrath of God on account of sin. Salvation occurs when by faith one believes in Christ Jesus, who paid the cost for their sin on the cross. Salvation includes regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification.


The Church

The Church is the body of Christ. It is represented on earth as a local assembly of those adhering to faith in Christ. Whose basic regular meetings are for collective worship, doctrine, fellowship, sharing and participation in the Lord’s Supper.

Baptism & the Lord's Supper

Christian baptism and the Lord’s Supper are two commands that the Lord Christ Jesus ordained for the local assembly.


Last Things

God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its consummation. The Lord Christ Jesus will come reclaim all the ways separated from God as a result of sin. The guarantee of His return is Christ’s resurrection and ascension. Then the righteous will reign with Him forever.

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